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1:1 Healing Place Resiliency Program

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A transformative, individualized 1:1 coaching program, where we work together to help you go from surviving to thriving, as a healer and professional who works in high-stress, traumatized systems.


With my support, we will dive deep into self-care and resiliency practices so that you can continue to fulfill your personal mission of helping others, without burning out or losing your light. 


Did you know that research with healthcare providers has found that 72% find it useful to seek mental health services, 69% meet criteria for burnout, and 71% report concern for well-being and low job satisfaction? Yet 98% want to remain in their position. 


Healers are drawn to helping professions because of their desire to support others…


…but who is supporting you?


Are you ready to take the next step in your own healing journey to amplify the extraordinary work you already do??

Do you…


  • Feel exhausted and burned-out from your high-stress position? 


  • Feel lost when it comes to practicing self-care and prioritizing your needs, because there’s just “not enough time” in the day?


  • Want to feel like you’re in the driver’s seat of your work and personal life?


  • Dread or find difficulty setting boundaries and effectively communicating your needs?


  • Want to experience deeper, richer, more meaningful connections with loved-ones, colleagues, and (especially) yourself?


  • Spend your days anxious, unfulfilled, and resentful of the work you once loved?


  • Find that caregiver/clinical/professional burnout is getting in the way of you accessing your most joyous, hopeful, empowered self?



Are you looking to…


  • Get back that enthusiastic, spark-of-joy feeling when it comes to the work you do every day?


  • Enhance resiliency through self-care, self-discovery, and accessing your heart’s center? 


  • Learn how to trust yourself, tap into your intuition, and see your powerful and inherent self-worth?


  • Be a conduit for change in challenging environments? 


  • Increase your capacity to hold space for yourself and others, while learning how to also move through your own difficult emotions? 


  • Learn how to artfully navigate high-stress environments to prevent compassion fatigue?


  • Heal from direct and indirect trauma?


  • Communicate your needs and desires in a way that feels authentic and constructive?


Hey there, I’m Amanda! Welcome and congratulations on taking these next steps toward your healing and resiliency journey! I know it’s not easy! I am a Resiliency Coach and I help professionals working in high risk, high trauma, high burnout environments harness their innate abilities to heal and flourish. 


I have over a decade’s worth of mental health experience and training in corrections, inpatient treatment, crisis intervention, community-based programs, and substance abuse, as well as faced my own inner struggles and trauma. Having been through these experiences, I know how important, yet difficult it can be to prioritize your own wellness journey.


I spent countless years feeling stuck, hopeless, and unfulfilled at my high-stress clinical jobs, where I had originally started out so excited and ready to spread the light by helping those struggling with mental health and life distress. The burnout I was experiencing spread into my personal life and I often had difficulty not bringing the emotional baggage of what I experienced at work home with me.


I loved my work, loved working with clients, but often felt drained, unsupported, and like few people could truly understand what this life was like.


I often felt like my creativity and abilities were stifled or unappreciated. At times it was like I was in a culture of “every man for himself.” I felt alone, stuck, hopeless, and symptoms of anxiety and depression were easily triggered. Going to work became disheartening, and I was exhausted as soon as I pulled into the parking lot. I felt trapped in my own mind and body, and had trouble enjoying myself outside of work. 


After reaching my limit, I decided something definitely needed to change if I was going to make what I loved doing an actual, sustainable, life-long practice. It’s a marathon, not a sprint after all!


I started by first exploring and incorporating healing and wellness practices into my personal life, and over time I was able to find what made me more resilient in these largely unhealthy environments. I also discovered something I didn’t expect to learn: wellness can be just as infectious as toxicity! 


Through my own inner work and the work I did with my clients, I have found that by taking care of yourself, you naturally unlock the power within to amplify your professional life and passionately serve others!


Doing this work allowed me to be more present with family, spend more time doing what brings me joy, set healthy boundaries, and truly value myself in every way.


To empower others to make changes, I’ve created a powerful 1:1 mentorship and coaching program: The 1:1 Healing Place Resiliency Program!!


In this signature journey you’ll discover how to:

  • cultivate meaningful relationships with yourself and others

  • feel empowered when tackling daily stressors

  • regulate painful and difficult emotions

  • access your innate ability to grow and heal


So you can…

  • live a life full of self-love, alignment and purpose

  • show up to work in a high-stress environment with confidence, resiliency, and compassion

  • cultivate a sense of wholeness from deep within your soul



What’s Included in the 1:1 Resiliency Program:

  • A customized mind-body-spirit health + wellness plan tailored to your individual goals and desires

  • Weekly or Bi-weekly virtual 1:1 coaching sessions with me via Zoom

  • Between session support 5 days a week via Slack App

  • Personalized and impactful tools, education, resources, and homework to help you move the needle forward on your healing journey

This program is for you if:

  • You’re ready to invest in your wellness and healing, but don’t know where to start or how

  • You want to be truly present with yourself and your loved ones, but often feel exhausted or distracted

  • You value personal time, but have trouble setting healthy boundaries or prioritizing your wants and needs

  • You feel stuck in your routine and want to feel excited about your passions again

  • You’re ready to prioritize your goals in order to achieve wholehearted living

  • You’re ready to do the work to finally feel YOUR personal best so you can continue to serve and lift up the world with your gifts!


This program is NOT for you if:

  • You have trauma that you have not processed at all, or that has occurred very recently

  • You are not in a place mentally or energetically to put in the work to achieve desired outcomes

  • You are not open to trying wellness and healing techniques that may be new or unfamiliar to you

  • You are currently experiencing significant mental health symptoms, suicidal ideations, or feel you are in crisis

  • You are not fully committed to your inner transformation 




1. Q: Is this therapy?

A: NO. Coaching is NOT therapy. Coaching is more solution focused, and action and goal oriented. It is not appropriate for individuals experiencing more significant mental health concerns, or who have experienced very recent or completely unprocessed trauma. 


2. Q: How long is the program?

A: This life-changing program comes in 3- or 6-month containers, based on your individual goals and needs. 


3. Q: What should I expect after I fill out an application?

A: After you fill out an application, I review it personally and if I think it’s a good match you’ll be invited via email to schedule an informal, complimentary, 20-30 minute Discovery Call. In this call we will connect, dive deeper into your goals and dreams, and see if working together would be a good fit! Coaching is not appropriate for everyone, and each program is different, so it is important to make sure that we were meant to connect here and now.


4. Q: Why is coaching worth my investment?

A: The healing journey is not linear and has many avenues; however, we are often conditioned to believe that improvement and change should happen on our own. There’s this false belief that because we can do many things in our lives without much support, we should also be able to heal and grow by ourselves. This is simply not true!! We actually spend WAY more time, energy, AND money when we continue to suffer in the same cycles, spending our resources on things that aren’t actually helping us truly move forward. With the help of an expert with years of clinical experience, who can tailor a program specifically to your needs, and who can cheer you on while you do some of the most difficult work there is, you’ll get EXACTLY where you want to be without wasting any extra time, energy, or money. Coaching allows for flexibility, innovation, and truly individualized services. Doing this work lights up my soul!

Also because YOU’RE WORTH IT!!!! 


I get it. Change can be daunting, especially when life may already feel frustrating or overwhelming. I used to feel that way too. I wanted things to just work themselves out. I hoped that I would somehow just feel better. I tried avoiding and ignoring the loop playing in my head saying I wasn’t enough, and I’d have to accept that I was stuck. I’ve spent the last decade combating these paralyzing and false beliefs and investing in myself and creating a life that fills my cup, instead of draining it—and I want that for you too!!


Joy is not something that simply just happens, it is an intentional practice. I told myself that I didn’t have time or the finances to make any real changes, but when it came down to it, I was really just afraid of experiencing something unfamiliar – even if it was something better than my current situation, it was still scary to imagine something different. I was deeply afraid of being judged by others for putting myself first, of taking risks and leaping into believing in myself, and of making mistakes.


But guess what? I did ALL of those things and as it turns out, that’s exactly what we need to allow ourselves to do if we’re ever going to truly feel empowered, resilient, and grow into our happiest, most fulfilled self!


I’ve walked this path before, and as your Coach I won’t let you fall and you’ll never feel alone.


If you’re already here, chances are you’re ready to elevate your life to the next level-- it’s just about finding the right guidance and mentorship to help you get there, and finally making the decision to truly put yourself first.


You’re so worth this experience, and I can’t tell you how excited I am to support you!!


You don’t have to have all the answers or be completely confident to take the next step. You just have to follow your gut and show up.

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